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Brown Scapular Stories
- Protection against the Devil
You will understand why the Devil works against those who promote the Scapular when you
hear the story of Ven. Francis Yepes. One day his Scapular fell off. As he replaced it, the devil
howled, “Take off the habit which snatches so many souls from us!” Then and there Francis
made the devil admit that there are three things which the demons are most afraid of: the Holy
Name of Jesus, the Holy Name of Mary, and the Holy Scapular of Carmel. To that list we could
add the Holy Rosary. - A Home Saved from Fire
In May of 1957, a Carmelite priest in Germany published the unusual story of how the Scapular
saved a home from fire. An entire row of homes had caught fire in Westboden, Germany. The
pious inhabitants of a 2-family home, seeing the fire, immediately fastened a Scapular to the
main door of the house. Sparks flew over it and around it, but the house remained unharmed.
Within 5 hours, 22 homes had been reduced to ashes. The one structure, which stood
undamaged amidst the destruction, was that which had the Scapular attached to its door. The
hundreds of people who came to see the place Our lady had saved are eye-witnesses to the
power of the Scapular and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A Train Accident
One of the most extraordinary of all Scapular incidents took place right here in the United
States. It happened around the turn of the century in the town of Ashtabula, Ohio, that a man
was cut in two but a train; he was wearing the Scapular. Instead of dying instantly, as would be
expected he remained alive and conscious for 45 minutes -- just enough time until a priest
could arrive to administer the Last Sacraments. These, and other such incidents, tell us that
Our Blessed Mother will take personal care of us in the hour of our death. So great and
powerful a Mother is Mary that She will never fail to keep the Scapular contract, i.e. to see that
we die in God’s grace.
A Priest’s Life is Saved
Still another Scapular miracle concerns a French priest who had gone on pilgrimage. On the
way to say Mass, he remembered that he had forgotten his Scapular. He knew he would be
late if he went back to retrieve it, but he could not envision offering Mass at Our Lady’s altar
without Her Scapular. Later, as he was offering the Holy Sacrifice, a young man approached
the altar, pulled out a gun, and shot the priest in the back. To the amazement of all, the priest
continued to say the prayers of the Mass as though nothing had occurred. It was at first
presumed that the bullet had miraculously missed its target. However, upon examination, the
bullet was found ADHERING TO THE LITTLE BROWN SCAPULAR, which the priest had so
obstinately refused to be without.
We should even give the Scapular to non-Catholics for Our Lady will bring conversions to
those who will wear it and say one Hail Mary each day, as the following true story will show. An
old man was rushed to the St. Simon Stock Hospital in New York City, unconscious and dying.
The nurse, seeing the Brown Scapular on the patient, called a priest. As the prayers were
being said for the dying man, he became conscious and spoke up: “Father, I am not a
Catholic.” Then why are you wearing the Brown Scapular?” asked the priest. “I promised my
friends to wear it,” the patient explained, ” and also to say one Hail Mary a day.” “You are dying”
the priest told him. “Do you want to become a Catholic?” “All my life I wanted to be one.” the
dying man replied. He was baptized, received the Last Rites, and died in peace. Our Lady took
another soul under Her mantle through the Scapular!
A Call to Fervor
In October of 1952, an Air Force officer in Texas wrote the following: “Six months ago, shortly
after I started wearing the Scapular, I experienced a remarkable change in my life. Almost at
once, I started going to mass every day. After a short time, I started receiving Holy Communion
daily. I kept lent with a fervor that I had never experience before. I was introduced to the practice
of meditation, and found myself making feeble attempts on the way to perfection. I have been
trying to live with God. I credit Mary’s Scapular.”
Necessity of Wearing the Scapular
During the Spanish civil war in the 1930s, seven Communists were sentenced to death
because of their crimes. A Carmelite priest tries to prepare the men for death; they refused. As
a last resort, he brought the men cigarettes food and wine, assuring them that he would not
talk religion, in a short while they were all friendly, so he asked them for one small favor: “Will
you permit me to place a Scapular on each of you?” six agreed, one refused. Soon all Scapular
wearers went to confession. The seventh continues to refuse. Only to please them he put on
the Scapular, he would do nothing more. Morning came, and as the time of the execution came
near, the seventh man made it clear that he was not going to ask for a priest. Although wearing
the Scapular he was determined to go to his death an enemy of God. Finally, the command
was given, the firing squad did its deadly work, and seven lifeless bodies lay sprawled in the
dust. Mysteriously a Scapular was found approximately 50 paces from the bodies. Six men
died WITH Mary’s Scapular; the seventh died Without the Scapular. St. Claude gives us the
solution to the mystery of the missing Scapular: “You ask; what if I desire to die in my sins?” I
answer, “Then you will die in your sins but YOU WILL NOT DIE IN YOUR SCAPULAR.” St.
Claude tells the story of a man who tried to drown himself three times. He was rescued
against his will. At last he realized that he was wearing his Scapular. Determined to take his
life, he tore the Scapular from his neck and leaped into the water. Without Mary’s protective
garment he accomplished his wish and died in his sins. - Our Blessed Lady keeps Her Promise
A priest relates how one day in a town near Chicago he was called to the bedside of a man
who had been away form the Sacrament for many years. “The man did not want to see me: he
would not talk. Then I asked him to look at the little Scapular I was holding. ‘Will you wear this if
I put this on you?’ I ask nothing more. He agreed to wear it and within the hour he wanted to go
to confession and make his peace with God. This did not surprise me, because for 700 years
Our Lady has been working in this way through Her Scapular.”
On the very day Our Lady gave the Scapular to St. Simon, he was hurriedly called by Lord Peter
of Linton: “Come quickly, Father, my brother is dying in despair!” St. Simon left at once for the
bedside of the dying man. Upon arrival he placed his large Scapular over the dying man,
asking Our Blessed Mother to keep Her promise. Immediately the man repented, and died in
the grace and friendship of God. That night the dead man appeared to his brother and said, “I
have been saved through the most powerful Queen and the Habit of that man as a shield.”
St. Alphonsus tell us: “Modern heretics make a mockery of wearing the Scapular, they decry it
as so much trifling nonsense.” Yet many of the popes have approved and recommended it. It
is remarkable that only 25 years after the Scapular vision, Blessed Pope Gregory X was buried
wearing the Scapular, when his tomb was opened 600 years after his death, his Scapular was
found intact. It can be seen, perfectly preserved in the Arezzo museum, in Italy
Protection Against the Devil
In 2005, a priest was giving a talk about the growth of satanic worship in the world and how adults and young children are becoming possessed by the devil because of the use of things such as the ouija board, saying the incantations that open the door to the demonic in “children’s books” such as the Harry Potter series, and going to fortune tellers, etc.
When someone asked the priest how to protect oneself from the demonic, besides the obvious path of avoiding things that call upon satan, the priest answered, “Wear the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel for protection from curses and the devil.”
One day a young woman, before entering the religious life, went to see the Curé of Ars, and during the conversation, he asked her, “Do you recall, my child, at the certain evening of dancing, where you were? There was a very young man, very pretty, unknown, distinguished, admired, and all the girls wanted to dance with him.” “Yes, I recall when he never came to ask me, I was sad, yet all the other girls were privileged to dance with that young man.” “You would have liked to dance with him, wouldn’t you?” “Yes.” “Do you recall, when that young man was leaving the dance hall, you saw under his feet two blue flames? And you thought it was an illusion of your eyes? When you saw that young man leave the dance hall, you saw fire under his feet! It was not an illusion of your eyes, my daughter. That man was a demon. And if he did not come to you to ask you to dance, it’s for one reason: you were wearing the vestment of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.”Some Modern Day Miracles
A priest relayed the following two accounts:
The first one occurred about 1980 in Ontario, Canada, in a small city near Toronto. “A woman whose son I had recently enrolled in the Brown Scapular relayed the following: she told me that she was very grateful because I had enrolled her son in the Scapular. That same day, after the enrollment, she went somewhere with her son.
“She had put him in the back seat and closed the door and drove away down the highway. But she didn’t close the door very well, and when she turned the corner the door opened and her son rolled out onto the highway. She was terrified and horrified and she came back to pick him up and discovered that he did not have a scratch on him. He was, of course, wearing his Scapular.”
“There was a man in Baltimore who told me this himself in about 1990. As he was driving down the highway, someone threw a rock through his window. He didn’t know where from. It knocked his glasses that were in his shirt-pocket onto the seat beside him. He didn’t need the glasses, so he left them where they landed. When he arrived home, he remembered his glasses. He went to pick them up to put them back in his pocket, but they wouldn’t go in. He thought it was because the rock was still in his pocket. So he pulled the rock out, but it wasn’t a rock. It was a bullet. He had been shot at. He was uninjured. He was wearing his Scapular.”
- Protection against the Devil
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